
Optical Limits review of the Canon RF 24-105
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Optical Limits review of the Canon RF 24-105

OpticalLimits (formerly completed their review of the new Canon RF 24-105L IS USM.

The lens appears to be better than the EF counterparts, and a good kit lens.  CA is high, but that's correctable.

They had this to say about the RF 24-105, in short, they liked it.

The Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 USM L IS is a natural choice for EOS R users - at this point in time anyway. Just like other standard zoom lenses, it has its flaws but it is clearly one of the better, if not the best lens in this specific class. Canon emphasized the performance at the wide-end of the range with an evenly high - in fact very high - sharpness across the image field. The broader center quality remains excellent at other focal lengths whereas the outer image region deteriorates slightly. 


The build quality is very high but then we expected no less from a Canon L class lens. Some may think that the used materials are inferior but that's probably more related to the reduced weight rather than objective criteria. Conversely, we do certainly appreciate a more light-weight approach compared to similar DSLR offerings. The Nano USM AF continues to impress - it's both very fast and silent and it can let you forget about your old DSLR combo. Canon's image stabilizer is proven tech by now. Whether you can really achieve the claimed efficiency of 5 f-stops may depend on your personal saturation with coffee but we didn't reach that in real life. However, it's very good nonetheless.

The Canon RF 24-105 can be purchased bundled with the Canon EOS R Kit;

B&H PhotoVideo  Adorama  Amazon

it can also be pre-ordered separately if you already purchased your EOS R camera.  It's expected to start shipping sometime this month.

Adorama  B&H PhotoVideo Amazon


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