Two new EOS-M cameras and primes later in 2020 Two new EOS-M cameras and primes later in 2020 April 8, 2020
Canon Announcements will continue as planned Canon Announcements will continue as planned March 30, 2020
The R5 is indeed the 5D equivalent for mirrorless The R5 is indeed the 5D equivalent for mirrorless Mar 23, 2020
Canon to lauch 5 new lenses for the EF-M mount over the next two years? Canon to lauch 5 new lenses for the EF-M mount over the next two years? Mar 21, 2020
More information surfaces on the Canon EOS R6 More information surfaces on the Canon EOS R6 Mar 17, 2020
Canon R5 and R6 facing manufacturing delays due to COVID-19 Canon R5 and R6 facing manufacturing delays due to COVID-19 Mar 11, 2020