G1X Mark III Full Specifications Leaked G1X Mark III Full Specifications Leaked October 24, 2017 Thanks again to nokishita-camera we have the full specifications of the G1X Mark III.
First Photos of the G1X Mark III appear First Photos of the G1X Mark III appear October 24, 2017 The first photos appear of the G1X Mark III...
Canon USA: Refurbished Canon M5 + EF Adapter Deal Canon USA: Refurbished Canon M5 + EF Adapter Deal Canon USA has a current sale on the Canon mirrorless M5 and EF adapter.. Nov 14, 2017
LensRentals review of the EF-S 35mm IS Macro LensRentals review of the EF-S 35mm IS Macro Lensrentals reviews the 35mm Macro for Canon APS-C users... Nov 14, 2017
Some new Canon USPO Patent Applications Some new Canon USPO Patent Applications Thanks to Keith at Northlight for getting these patent applications from USPO, canon has certainly done some interesting patents lately.. Dec 22, 2017
DPReview takes out the 28mm IS USM for a trip DPReview takes out the 28mm IS USM for a trip DPreview has taken out the dimunitive and excellent Canon 28mm IS USM for a trip down the california coast and gives a small review of the lens... Nov 14, 2017
Interesting rumor on the future of canon full frame mirrorless cameras Interesting rumor on the future of canon full frame mirrorless cameras From other website, there's conversation over possibly three different full frame mirrorless cameras being developed by Canon.. Oct 24, 2017
Is this the Lens Patent for the G1X Mark III? Is this the Lens Patent for the G1X Mark III? Some have suggested that a patent embodiment of a 15-45 2-4.0 is the patent for the G1X Mark III however that's not quite... Oct 24, 2017