What to watch for with the M50 release
Even if you are a diehard DSLR user that will never stoop as low as mirrorless the M50 may be a milestone camera that you should keep an eye on. It is rumored to be announced on February 27th, so more rumors and information should become available over the next week.
There's some reasons that appear right now that could be important to an entire generation of upcoming Canon cameras, DSLRs included.
DIGIC 8 and 4K
DIGIC 8 offers enough performance improvements and greater encoder functionality to allow a small camera such as the M50 to do 4K video. Up to this point in time, with DIGIC 7, this has been found impossible to do so in the Canon world. The cries of Canon is protecting its Cinema lineup will be emphatically proven just to be speculation and thankfully, ancient history.
DIGIC 7 may be the quickest replaced DIGIC in the history of Canon's DIGIC processors and could be leading to a rapid replacement and expansion of 4K throughout Canon's lineup in short order.
Hopefully we’ll know more about what encoding Canon has performed in this camera, but as a best guess I’d be surprised if it’s close to the consumer 150mb/sec 4K 24/30p that exists in the GX10 that has a fan and is outside air vented. I would expect a more relaxed 100mb/second bitrate that Sony has in its 4K ILC cameras to control the camera better thermally when shooting video.
We’ll know more for sure, hopefully over the next few days.
It sounds like C-RAW allows you to pre-process the RAW file and "cook" it with DLO (Canon's computational lens corrections - Digital Lens Optimizer). This is huge. This removes all the aberrations from the lens and camera combination including deconvolution of AA filter and diffraction effects.
Right now DLO in camera writes out JPEG images, or you can use Canon's Digital Photo Professional to DLO correct your raw files and save them as TIFF's for use in Lightroom. This would remove the step, and simply allow you to use the RAW files natively in Lightroom, ACR,etc with DLO corrections already applied.
It would basically turn $399 EF-M lenses into professional L grade optical grade quality RAW output.
A new raw format with a better compression may also be beneficial as we increase the pixel density up to the upcoming 120MP DSLRs massive resolution.
As more details are known, we should get a better handle on what this new RAW format will do for us.
Is there a new sensor?
It was noted that the resolution of this camera is listed at 24.1MP instead of 24.2MP of the current generation of mirrorless and APS-C 24MP Canon sensors.
Whether or not this is a new generation that we'll have our first looks at, or it's simply a 4K optimized readout sensor required for this camera is yet to be discovered.
This week is bound to be filled with more speculation and leaks leading up to February 27th.
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