CanonNews / Saturday, January 27, 2018 / Categories: Reviews, Third Party Reviews Updated certification information for upcoming Canon products Canon is set to announce quite a bit of gear for CP+ coming up in the beginning of March. Please bear in mind that most of this stuff appears to be lower end, so expecting FOUR-KAY is a waste of time. There is still a fair amount of confusion because we are seeing different results for various certification agencies, mostly the confusion is around the Russian certification where it has listed the 2000,3000 and 4000D camera bodies. Outside of providing different colors it's hard to see what these units could be, as they are most certainly lower end camera systems (replacement for the T6). Why? The lenses that are listed with the kits are the bottom of the barrel kit lenses and not in the higher end kits and super rebels. From Nokshita-Camera; DS 126701 Single-lens reflex camera SKU: 3011C001AA, 3011C002AA, 3011C003AA Made in Taiwan Wi-Fi installed Size: W129.0 mm × H 101.6 mm × D 77.1 mm DS 126741 Single-lens reflex camera SKU: 2728C001AA, 2728C002AA, 2728C003AA made in Japan Wi-Fi installed PC 2328 Digital camera made in Japan Wi-Fi · Bluetooth installed New wireless module installed (WM 600) Probably EOS Kiss M / EOS M50 PC 2352 Digital camera Wi-Fi · Bluetooth installed The same radio module as the PC 2328 (WM 600) Interchangeable lens 1 SKU: 2309C005AA made in Japan Interchangeable lens 2 SKU: 2439C005AA made in Japan? DS 401141 Electronic flash SKU: 1757C003 ※ Model name registered in the Russian Certification Body EOS 2000 D EOS 3000 D EOS 4000 D Single-lens reflex camera Lens Kit: Body, 18-55 IS II, 18-55 DC III EOS M50 Mirror-less camera Color: Black / White Kit: Body, 15-45 IS STM, Double Zoom, Double Lens (15-45 / 22), 18-150 IS STM Sample machine: code name " D. Camera Mensa " Mirror-less camera Color: Black / White Previous Article Canon has 93 reasons why you shouldn't use a smartphone Next Article Canon 1DX Mark II Print 4008 Tags: RumorsCertifications Related articles Preliminary specifications of the 90D New Rumor: Canon is going to actually do a 14-21 1.4 New Rumor: Canon go to wider than 16mm on the RF mount New Rumor: Canon Powershot G7x Mark III arriving early 2019 New low end rebel images leaked Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus