Thom's State of Mirrorless - November 2017 edition
Thom released an article today discussing the state of mirrorless. He raises some incredibly good points about varied camera companies and their mirrorless equivalents. About canon he states;
If you're looking for a small mirrorless camera to serve as a compact, a Canon M might be the one. There are other choices here, such as the smaller Panasonic models (e.g. GX850), or the Sony A6xxx. But frankly, after trying them all, the most satisfying "compact camera" experiences I've had with mirrorless models are the Canon M5 and M6, particularly with the 22mm compact prime. Second choice, the 11-22mm zoom.
Canon is certainly well served by the 11-22 and the 22mm lenses. However, they need more of them. This will be the first year in which canon has not released an EF-M lens, and that is not something that needs to happen.
The M5 and M6 are ergonomically friendly cameras that perform well. While they may not have spec sheet eyepopping numbers, they do their jobs with Canon's usual reliabilty.
As with Thom, I also have to agree - a few more primes and a fast normal zoom is needed to flesh out an adequate ecosystem. They also need support from a variety of third party manufacturer's, most notabily Sigma. Sigma and their DN lineup of primes is ignoring the EF-M mount and that needs to change.
Of course, part of the problem could be - where is the EF-M mount going?
Is it the replacement for the EF-S mount, where sooner or later, all crop cameras will be EF-M and full frame cameras will be EF or another mount variety?
More clarity would certainly help matters - but I'm not sure we'll get any sort of clarity until Canon releases a full frame mirrorless camera, expected to be out sometime in 2018.
Read Thom's excellent article here
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