CanonNews / Friday, January 4, 2019 / Categories: Reviews, Third Party Reviews The-Digital-Picture review of the Canon RF 28-70 F2 USM Bryan from The-Digital-Picture has completed his review of the pretty extraordinary Canon RF 28-70 F2.0. The only F2.0 normal zoom being commerically available right now. He had this to conclude in his review; The Canon RF 28-70mm F2 L USM Lens is a large, heavy and expensive lens that is also awesome. Garnering a world's first on its credit list, this lens brings the f/2 aperture to the extremely useful standard zoom lens. With the RF 28-70mm F2 L Lens in your hand, it is like having a large kit of prime lenses always mounted on the camera. That this single lens may be able to replace a kit of alternative prime lenses makes those three downsides much more tolerable. The image quality provided by this professional-grade, all-around-high-performing lens significantly lessens any pains remaining. With price being a barrier to entry, those affording this lens will be able to differentiate their capabilities from those that cannot, creating a desirable separation for photographers who rely on their imagery to earn an income. Read his full review here The Canon RF 28-70 F2.0 USM at a glance; RF-Mount Lens/Full-Frame Format Aperture Range: f/2 to f/22 Ultra-Low Dispersion Elements Ring-Type Ultrasonic Motor AF System Customizable Control Ring Rounded 9-Blade Diaphragm Purchase the Canon RF 28-70 from one of our preferred vendors; Adorama B&H PhotoVideo Amazon Previous Article BCN Monthly Report for December: EOS R and EOS M continue to sell well Next Article Canon Europe Announces New SDK and API Package for Developers and Integrators Print 3187 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus