CanonNews / Monday, March 12, 2018 / Categories: Reviews, Third Party Reviews The 5 Reasons Why I Switched Back to Canon From Sony As we have highlighted, it seems there is an undercurrent of trying Sony cameras and yet, there also seems to be another one; Switching back from Sony cameras. In this new PetaPixel article, Marc Schultz details why he moved back to the land of Canon from Sony. Essentially in five points we are seeing echoed by more than one; DPAF for Video Canon LOG (5D Mark IV) Better Color Science Ease of Use Feel in Hand He concludes; At the end of the day, everyone has their own ways of working and their own tastes in camera gear. So I am very happy if many people really like shooting with Sony and don’t agree with my opinions. I am not trying to change anyone’s mind here or sell you on Canon. But I did want to share my own observations and experiences with you. There is also no right or wrong in terms of what one feels most comfortable shooting with. It is really up to each individual to decide what works best for them and that is why there isn’t just one flavor of camera out there. Previous Article Canon Patent Application: Apodization Filter lenses Next Article Canon full frame mirrorless? Rumors suggest prototypes exist Print 3821 PetaPixel Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus