CanonNews / Saturday, November 18, 2017 / Categories: Canon Patents Some fast mirrorless zoom patents This Japan patent application appears to have several fast zooms, for APS-C mirrorless or compact camera applications 15-45 1.8-3.5 15-45 2.0-4.0 15-45 2.8-5.0 It also looks like it may be the first canon lens patent application that I've seen that specifically mentions that distortion abberation control happens in camera versus being controlled by the lens. This would tend to make more of a compact camera approach as the powershots do this already, however Canon M's do not. As with all patent applications that we show, this is a patent application. This illustrates to us what Canon is looking at in their research labs. It may or may not become a patent, and may or may not even after that be used in a camera system. But note to Canon, my M5 would love a high resolving fast normal zoom ;) Japan Patent Application JP,2017-146394A How to view Japan Patent applications. Unfortunately, there's no direct way of linking to the patent application (sad!) however, this is the easiest process to view a japan patent or application. Go to the Japan Patent Office search page. If it's a patent application (they are usually in the format of YEAR+Number ie: 2017-011300) then type the patent application number into the second field down from the top where it says publication of patent application. Click on search. Then click on the patent application number link, and there's the patent application! Previous Article New Canon patent application for a hybrid viewfinder Next Article Canon looking at 20x super-zooms for APS-C and full frame? Print 7361 Tags: Patents Related articles Canon Inc. Places Third in U.S. Patents Granted in 2021 IFI Claims Rankings Canon Ranks in the top 5 for US patents for 35 straight years Canon places top five in U.S. patent rankings for 33 years running and first among Japanese companies for 14 years running Another curved sensor patent application from Canon Another supertelephoto patent surfaces Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus