CanonNews / Monday, May 25, 2020 / Categories: News, Third Party Samyang announces updates to the 85mm F1.4 and the 14mm F2.8 Samyang Global has announced updates to their wildly successful manual focus 85mm F1.4 and the 14mm F2.8. The improvements seem to be mostly functional and not optical as both lenses have improved over their predecessors offering weathersealing which was not available in the older models. As well, both models have two new features that are certain to catch the attention of specific users; The focus lock was added for astrophotography users, thus allowing them to "lock" then lens at infinity and not having to worry about it shifting over time during their shooting. Aperture de-clicking will allow for seamless transition between apertures for filmmaking. As Samyang explains; Next-generation MF lenses are newly equipped with'Focus Lock 'and'De-click' functions. First, the'focus lock 'function was added for photographers who enjoy astronomical objects and time-lapse photography with the Samyang 14mm lens. When the focus is'locked ', the aperture value is fixed when shooting celestial objects or time-lapse photography, which not only makes shooting convenient but also allows you to take beautiful images. Click the'De-click 'button to switch the aperture stopped at every F-stop to a continuous aperture. Since the aperture value can be adjusted more finely than 1/3 stop between F-stops, you can shoot smooth movies without interruption in brightness. Information for the new 14mm F2.8 can be located here on Samyang's website. The 85mm F1.4 information can be found here. Previous Article Wireless File transmitter Registered for the Canon R5 Next Article Canon announcements in June / July Print 2789 Tags: Samyang85mm F1.414mm F2.8 Samyang Related articles Samyang RF 85mm F1.4 AF Review Samyang announces the AF 85mm F1.4 for the RF mount Samyang AF 14mm f/2.8 RF Review Samyang officially announces the Samyang AF 14mm F2.8 RF Samyang is launching 8 new lenses this spring Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus