CanonNews / Saturday, September 8, 2018 / Categories: Reviews, Third Party Reviews Preview and Unboxing of the EF-M 32mm 1.4 Lost in all the EOS R announcements and excitement, the EF-M 32mm was also released. Ahead of the general release of the EF-M 32mm 1.4, Mert got his hands on a copy of the lens and literally had nothing bad to say about it. You will have to turn on subtitles for this video. Interesting comments; Canon tells us that this lens's picture quality is nearly equal to the EF 35mm 1.4L II which [is] amazing To be honest this is the sharpest and the premium lens on the EF-M series lenses I'm personally looking forward to trying this lens. IBC coming soon. More Canon announcements Important to remember, there's more stuff being added to the EOS R after release Print 4024 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus