CanonNews / Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / Categories: Reviews, Third Party Reviews NORTHLIGHT reviews the TS-E 135mm F/4L Macro Keith, tilt-shift expert extraordinaire has posted his review of the TS-E 135mm F4L Macro. Detailing not only sample images, but details on why you’d use such a lens in the real world, Keith’s review is a must read if you are thinking of purchasing the TS-E 135mm. His conclusions; What a lens – in many ways one of the best quality lenses I’ve seriously tested. The 10º of tilt, 12mm of shift and wide open sharpness make it a joy to use for product photography, giving a level of creative control previously more in the realm of large format view cameras. Make no mistake, this is a lens that you will have to work with to get the best from. Local law enforcement team receives donation from Canon USA Venus Optics launches the Laowa 25mm F2.8 2.5-5X Ultra Macro Print 3473 More links Norhtlight Images Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus