Kolari-Vision now offers AR coatings on filters
Over the next month or so, I'll post some articles on my adventures and experiences with Kolari-Vision and the EOS-M series camera bodies.
However, they announced recently something that I'm personally excited in, that they now have AR (anti-reflective) coatings for their filters.
I have personally converted 3 EOS-M cameras and 2 DSLR's through kolarivision and I have been thrilled with their service and communication.
The EOS-M lenses are all very good when it comes to hotspot, clarity and long wavelength smearing that can occur with lenses and IR conversion. However, because of either the distance the sensor is from the rear elements, or some vague hotspotting, you can tell that there's a faint cast in most of the lenses if you look long and close enough at your images. Under most cases, it's not noticable, but if you are a perfectionist; you can't un-see it!
With these new AR coatings, the EOS-M and it's EF-M lenses will be pretty much spot on and perfect for IR / full spectrum photography.
While rolling with a full IR camera nowadays is about as overdone as shooting cooked HDR, IR photography still has it's many advantages; and an EOS-M is perfect for IR. For example, you are using an electronic viewfinder or LCD, you never have to worry about wondering what your exposure will look like; and your exposures are more accurate than that of a converted DSLR. Also as mentioned, all the EF-M lenses work and work well (just not perfect until now) which provides you a VERY cheap UWA IR capable camera.
If you want to learn more, stay tuned here; and also check out kolarivision's website for more details - shooting IR is alot of fun!
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