Canon to create an EOS Ra (dedicated Astrophotography camera?) - UPDATE IT'S OFFICIAL
A new rumor has surfaced that Canon will create an EOS-Ra in 2020. It has appeared on internal roadmaps for 2020. Canon Rumors goes by the assumption that an EOS-Ra would be an astrophotography based EOS R.
What is would an astrophtoography EOS R or Ra be like?
It would basically be the same thing as an EOS R but with simply a different IR/UV cut filter to allow more hAlpha spectrum light to be picked up by the sensor. As Kolari Vision notes with their EOS R analysis, the EOS R has a huge amount of IR light leak, so I would assume that the Ra version would have this fixed, as an hAlpha bandpass filter, would also allow more IR light to hit the sensor, and with how sensitive photographing stars is, any IR light leak could potentially be a problem.
Normally for cameras that don't have a serious IR light leak problem, converting a camera for astrophotography is almost best served by having your camera converted by someone such as Kolari Vision. A full spectrum or dual spectrum (color/IR) is far more flexible for astrophotography and also terrestrial photography than simply an h-Alpha band pass based filter.
This would certainly be low hanging fruit for Canon to exploit. Canon because of it's historical nature of EOS Utility available to remotely control it's DSLR's for ages, has a large backing in the more serious astrophotography discipline.
Seems some smart forum users found out that Canon UK has already released a leaflet about the EOS Ra.
So for certain, it's an astrophotography version of the EOS R. You can download the leaflet here, or from our website below.
From the leaflet we see that it has as we discussed, a specially modified filter in front of the sensor, which allows for 2 stops (or 4 times) the amount of h-alpha light to reach the sensor.

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