Canon Patent Application: Some EF-M Zoom lenses
This patent application shows us some new formulas for some high zoom ratio lenses for the EF-M Mount. Some of these are doubtful for various reasons, the least is that Canon already has an excellent 18-150mm lens for the EF-M mount. Other embodiments such as the 18-200 or 15-130 are certainly possible for Canon to do for the EF-M mount. Some of these such as the 15-130mm, in particular, could also be for Powershot, given the smaller image height at 15mm.
This patent specifically has to do with making lighter focus groups, thus faster to focus and preventing "wobble" in the auto focus especially for video.
zoom ratio 7.07
focal length 18.52 48.97 130.97
F number 3.61 4.90 5.88
Half angle of view 36.41 15.59 5.95
image height 13.66 13.66 13.66
total lens length 103.66 122.12 146.89
BF 10.98 25.64 38.43
zoom ratio 7.08
focal length 18.51 49.01 130.98
F number 3.59 4.82 5.88
Half angle of view 36.43 15.57 5.95
Image height 13.66 13.66 13.66
total lens length 104.31 122.72 148.15
BF 10.99 24.52 36.57
zoom ratio 7.07
focal length 18.52 49.19 130.97
F number 3.40 4.74 5.88
half angle of view 36.42 15.52 5.95
image height 13.66 13.66 13.66
total lens length 103.61 121.85 146.78
BF 10.93 25.03 37.77
zoom ratio 10.48
Focal Length 18.51 59.64 193.98
F Number 3.73 5.46 6.50
Half Angle of View 36.43 12.90 4.03
Image Height 13.66 13.66 13.66
Total Lens Length 119.95 145.65 176.37
BF 13.43 31.04 44.18
Zoom ratio 10.48
focal length 18.51 59.97 193.99
F number 3.52 5.14 6.45
Half angle of view 36.43 12.83 4.03
Image height 13.66 13.66 13.66
Total Lens Length 115.66 144.95 181.92
BF 11.33 25.27 41.74
Zoom ratio 7.07
focal length 18.52 48.85 130.96
F number 3.65 4.92 5.88
Half angle of view 36.41 15.62 5.95
Image height 13.66 13.66 13.66
Lens length 122.24 146.75 103.58
BF 12.62 27.62 40.18
Zoom ratio 8.45
focal length 15.51 45.00 130.98
F number 3.68 5.03 6.50
Half angle of view 39.97 16.89 5.95
Image height 13.00 13.66 13.66
Total Lens Length 103.77 122.35 149.68
BF 12.76 23.92 35.17
Japan Patent Application 2018173487
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