CanonNews / Thursday, August 13, 2020 / Categories: Canon Patents Canon Patent Application: Some Bizarre Full Frame Compact Camera Lenses This patent application illustrates some pretty crazy lenses, with almost impossible back focus distances. On a Canon EF lens the back focus (BF) is usually around 44mm, on the EOS R system, the back focus distance is usually around 18mm. However, these are between 2 and 0mm. Yes, that is ZERO. That means the actual back element is directly mounted or connected to the sensor. Pretty wild. I suspect such designs would work great on compact cameras where the lens may be very very close to the sensor. These are also all full frame lenses, so perhaps a compact full frame camera? Canon Full Frame 50mm F1.2 focal length 51.50 F number 1.24 Half angle of view 22.79 Image height 21.64 Total lens length 78.83 BF 0.50 Canon Full Frame 50mm F1.6 Focal length 49.17 F-number 1.65 Half angle of view 23.75 Image height 21.64 Total lens length 72.35 BF 2.35 Canon Full Frame 50mm F1.2 focal length 51.50 F number 1.24 Half angle of view 22.79 Image height 21.64 Lens total length 78.00 BF 1.00 Canon Full Frame 35mm F1.4 focal length 36.00 F number 1.45 Half angle of view 31.00 Image height 21.64 Total lens length 106.48 BF 0.00 Japan Patent Application 2020-118846 Previous Article Canon Patent Application: Some Curious RF Consumer Super-Zooms Next Article Canon increases their marketshare, Sony bumps Nikon Print 5290 Tags: LensesCanon Patent Application Related articles Patent Application for Canon RF 16-28mm F2.8, 16-28mm F2.8-4 and 16-28mm F4 designs Canon Patent Application: High Magnification Super Telephoto Zooms Canon Patent Application: Curious Catadioptric Optical System Canon Patent Application: Drone Camera Assembly Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 130mm F2.0 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus