CanonNews / Thursday, November 26, 2020 / Categories: Canon Patents Canon Patent Application: Small RF kit lenses This patent application filed by Canon seems to be suggesting a very small 24-70 (or something close to that) kit lens that looks to have a pretty simplistic design. By looking at the element spacing, it also appears as if this could be made collasping as well. Canon states; In recent years, so-called mirrorless cameras, which do not have a quick return mirror, are increasing in cameras. Since this mirrorless camera has a thin body, is compact and lightweight, it is required to develop a compact and lightweight interchangeable lens that matches the mirrorless camera. Since this mirrorless camera does not require the space of the quick return mirror, it is not necessary to secure the back focus as much as the conventional interchangeable lens. Therefore, the configuration of the lens is also different from that of the conventional interchangeable lens, and the degree of freedom in design is increased, so that it is possible to design a compact and lightweight lens. In particular, a wide-angle lens tends to have a short back focus, so that it can be miniaturized as an interchangeable lens for a mirrorless camera. There are a variety of designs, a few notable ones are listed below. Canon RF 24-70 F4-6.3 telefocal length 24.52 43.05 69.13 F number 4.10 5.10 6.44 Half angle (°) 38.46 26.68 17.38 Total length of lens 109.15 104.79 112.88 BF 14.65 14.65 14.65 Canon RF 20-70 F4-6.3 focal length 21.66 41.66 69.12 F number 4.10 5.10 6.44 Half angle (°) 41.95 27.45 17.38 Lens total length 115.09 108.18 118.44 BF 14.79 14.79 14.79 Japan Patent Application 2020-190661 CN Review: Kolari Pocket IR Camera Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 15-35mm F4L Print 4057 Tags: Canon Patent Application Related articles Patent Application for Canon RF 16-28mm F2.8, 16-28mm F2.8-4 and 16-28mm F4 designs Canon Patent Application: High Magnification Super Telephoto Zooms Canon Patent Application: Curious Catadioptric Optical System Canon Patent Application: Drone Camera Assembly Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 130mm F2.0 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus