CanonNews / Thursday, October 7, 2021 / Categories: Canon Patents Canon Patent Application: Small RF 28-70mm F2.8 Tamron has been getting all the raves for it's small full frame 28-70mm F2.8 for mirrorless full frame, and we have a Canon patent that seems to be pretty close to the same. One of the embodiments is pretty "ick" showing the need to stretch the image circle even to around 40mm. Canon,let's not do that one, please. Another embodiment is like the original 24-70mm F2.8L EF lens which is a reverse zoom. No one liked that one either. The one embodiment that makes the most sense is this one, with no image circle manipulation and relatively small size (around 102mm for the parked lens length) This would make it actually smaller than the Tamron lens which is around 117mm in length. focal length 28.84 37.17 67.90 F number 2.91 2.91 2.91 Half angle of view (°) 32.65 28.90 17.67 Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64 total lens length 122.81 111.18 132.62 BF 21.92 26.79 39.84 This may be Canon's way of indicating that they are fed up with the third-party lens manufacturer's slow release to the RF mount, or that Canon wants to do it all themselves. But if I was Tamron, I'd start moving on that RF integration. Japan Patent Application 2021-156963 Previous Article Canon announces the Canon RF 5.2mm F2.8L Dual Fisheye Next Article Canon Patent Application: Small, Fast, Shutter Assembly Print 4824 Tags: Canon Patent Applications Related articles Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 24-70 2.8, 28-85 2.0-2.8 Canon Patent Application: Organic sensor Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus