CanonNews / Thursday, February 3, 2022 / Categories: Canon Patents Canon Patent Application: Consumer Grade Primes for the RF mount This patent application has a series of small primes of moderate aperture, which we all need. However all the lenses are under the image circle size for full frame. So I would presume these lenses are for full frame image circle and software stretched to fit. As Canon states; To provide an optical system having good optical performance, easy to manufacture, and compact I would suspect these lenses if they were ever made would be all under $300, and even then I'm not sure I'd even buy them. However, small and light primes, even if you are slightly resolution disadvantaged would have their uses. However, personally, I don't like this trend. Canon RF 28mm F1.8 Focal length 28.60 F number 1.85 Half angle of view 37.10 Image height 20.15 Optical total length 81.00 BF 13.20 Canon RF 20mm F1.8 focal length 20.60 F number 1.85 and a half Angle of view 46.40 Image height 18.71 Optical total length 84.87 BF 11.00 Canon RF 24mm F1.8 focal length 24.72 F number 1.85 and a half Angle of view 41.20 Image height 19.34 Optical total length 81.00 BF 11.00 Japan Patent Application 2022-020096 Previous Article Canon Patent Application: Canon Mirrorless Super-35 16-55 F2.8 Next Article New Rumor: The R7 may be the next camera released Print 3700 Tags: Canon Patent Application Related articles Patent Application for Canon RF 16-28mm F2.8, 16-28mm F2.8-4 and 16-28mm F4 designs Canon Patent Application: High Magnification Super Telephoto Zooms Canon Patent Application: Curious Catadioptric Optical System Canon Patent Application: Drone Camera Assembly Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 130mm F2.0 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus