CanonNews / Thursday, October 24, 2019 / Categories: Canon Patents Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 50mm F1.8 A lens that we pretty much know that Canon will most likely do for the RF mount is the quintessential 50mm F1.8. In this patent we have the following lens data; F-number 1.85 half angle (in degrees) 23.95 image height 21.64 total lens length 58.55 BF 20.94 Focal length 48.70 F-number 1.85 field angle 23.95 Image height 21.64 total lens length 58.55 BF 20.15 Focal length 48.70 F-number 1.85 half angle (in degrees) 23.95 Image height 21.64 total lens length 58.55 BF 16.48 focal length 48.70 F-number 1.85 half angle (in degrees) 23.95 Image height 21.64 total lens length 58.55 BF 19.38 Essentially all of them are 50mm F1.8 designs for the RF mount Japan Patent Application 2019-184748 Previous Article Canon reaffirms that a "Pro" Canon RF camera is coming Next Article Canon video showing how Defocus Smoothing (DS) works Print 6185 Tags: CanonPatent Application Related articles Macquarie University supported by Canon Australia unveils The Huntsman Telescope Canon takes aim at #1 in mirrorless Canon's Number 1 (sort of) Canon celebrates the 35th anniversary of the EOS system next month Press Text leaks for the Canon RF 1200mm F8L IS USM Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus