Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 17-70mm
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Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 17-70mm

Canon has applied for a patent that discusses some interesting full-frame lenses.  These lenses are from the focal range of 17-70mm that covers an interesting mix between UWA and normal zoom.  This isn't the first patent application we've seen with a 17-70, however, both patents have different optical formulas.  Multiple patents for the same focal range would certainly lead one to believe that this is something that Canon is seriously considering for the RF mount.

Also included is an 18-80mm full frame lens embodiment, which would be equally as compelling on a full frame camera.

Interestingly enough, this is a lens that if inexpensive and relatively compact, could be used equally well for full frame or APS-C.  It wouldn't be optimized for APS-C, as the image circle described in the patent is most certainly full frame.  Howver this would allow Canon to implement an APS-C camera, and have a good normal zoom ready for it, without making an RF-s styled APS-C lens.

While they are very consumer-orientated with variable aperture they certainly would be very compelling lenses.

focal length 17.40 35.02 68.69   
F-number 3.57 4.18 5.85   
Half field angle (degrees) 51.19 31.71 17.48   
Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64   
Total lens length 149.59 133.68 150.50   
BF 13.43 27.63 57.99 

focal length 17.10 34.82 72.70   
F number 3.57 4.18 5.85   
Half angle of view (degree) 51.68 31.85 16.57   
Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64   
Total lens length 151.00 135.57 157.71  
BF 13.13 27.81 63.49 

focal length 18.70 37.55 77.50   
F-number 3.57 4.18 5.85   
Half angle of view (degree) 49.16 29.95 15.60   
Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64   
Total lens length 146.50 128.90 147.50   
BF 15.19 27.72 59.84   

Japan Patent Application 2019-139172

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