CanonNews / Thursday, November 26, 2020 / Categories: Canon Patents Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 15-35mm F4L This is a lens I'm certainly waiting for. We have seen rumors that an ultra wide F4 lens is coming out in 2021. Would I get one of these. I'm waiting for this before jumping into the RF mount to be honest. Canon states; The present invention is compact, and it is an object of various aberrations including chromatic aberration to provide a well corrected zoom lens. Make it happen Canon ;) The 15-45mm lens design looks more realistic with a 19mm back focus distance than the 16-35mm F4 lens with the rather short back focus distance. Canon RF 15-35mm F4L Focus distance 15.45 24.00 33.95 F Number 4.12 4.12 4.12 Half angle of view (°) 54.47 42.03 32.51 Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64 Lens total length 150.01 141.11 140.23 BF 19.25 31.83 46.78 Canon RF 16-35mm F4L Focal length 16.48 24.00 33.95 F number 4.12 4.12 4.12 Half angle of view (° ) 52.70 42.03 32.51 Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64 Lens total length 132.09 128.84 134.21 BF 10.35 19.54 33.20 Japan Patent Application 2020-190636 Canon Patent Application: Small RF kit lenses Canon Patent Application: Stacked Sensor Lamination Print 4366 Tags: Canon Patent Application Related articles Patent Application for Canon RF 16-28mm F2.8, 16-28mm F2.8-4 and 16-28mm F4 designs Canon Patent Application: High Magnification Super Telephoto Zooms Canon Patent Application: Curious Catadioptric Optical System Canon Patent Application: Drone Camera Assembly Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 130mm F2.0 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus