CanonNews / Thursday, October 24, 2019 / Categories: Canon Patents Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 10-24mm F4.0 It seems like it's an ultra wide angle patent day today, as we have discovered another patent, this one for an incredible 10-24mm F4.0, for yes, full frame RF cameras. Just when you thought the Canon EF 11-24mm F4.0 was wide, Canon is stating, "hold my beer" with this patent application. Lens Data: Focal length 10.30 14.94 23.30 F-number 4.12 4.12 4.12 Half angle of view (degrees) 64.54 55.38 42.88 Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64 Total lens length 156.50 145.83 144.37 BF 12.00 12.00 12.00 Of course there's one slight niggle with this patent application, and that is that the back focus is a little close, however still doable for the RF mount. Also included in this patent application, is a much easier to implement 10-24mm lens with a more relaxed back focus distance. focus Distance 10.30 14.94 23.30 F-number 4.12 4.12 4.12 Half angle of view (degrees) 64.54 55.37 42.88 Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64 Total lens length 138.50 131.12 132.41 BF 20.19 27.74 41.15 Also included in this patent application is a less exciting 12-24mm F4.0 lens; focal length 12.36 14.94 23.30 F-number 4.12 4.12 4.12 Half angle of view (degree) 60.26 55.38 42.88 Image height 21.64 21.64 21.64 Total lens length 138.50 133.67 130.79 BF 22.49 26.06 37.65 Japan Patent Application 2019-184733 Previous Article Canon Patent Application: Canon RF 14-28mm F2.0 Next Article Canon Patent Application: Canon EF to RF "sensor cooling" adapter Print 5668 Tags: CanonCanon Patent Application Related articles Patent Application for Canon RF 16-28mm F2.8, 16-28mm F2.8-4 and 16-28mm F4 designs Macquarie University supported by Canon Australia unveils The Huntsman Telescope Canon Patent Application: High Magnification Super Telephoto Zooms Canon Patent Application: Curious Catadioptric Optical System Canon Patent Application: Drone Camera Assembly Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus