CanonNews / Thursday, February 18, 2021 / Categories: Canon Patents Canon Patent Application: APS-C Mirrorless Superzooms An APS-C patent application has appeared for Canon mirrorless cameras. With these three embodiments showing a very short backfocus, it's unlikely these lenses would be created for the RF mount. Canon 18-240mm F4-8.0 focus distance 18.49 59.57 242.50 F-number 4.12 6.60 8.12 half-field angle 33.67 12.91 3.22 Image height 12.32 13.66 13.66 total lens length 123.50 155.31 187.11 BF 10.16 10.16 10.16 Canon 18-225mm F4-8.0 focus distance 18.57 59.27 225.00 F number 4.12 6.60 8.12 Half angle (degree) 33.56 12.98 3.47 Image height 12.32 13.66 13.66 total lens length 123.50 155.11 186.72 BF 11.44 11.44 11.44 Canon 18-200mm F4-8.0mm focal length 18.59 52.07 199.98 F number 4.12 6.60 8.12 half angle 33.53 14.70 3.91 image height 12.32 13.66 13.66 total lens length 123.65 155.08 186.50 BF 13.00 35.85 45.58 The following embodiments do show a more RF typical backfocus distance, with a distance of 16.74mm and 15.91mm. Canon 18-225mm F4-8.0mm focal distance 18.60 56.56 225.00 F-number 4.12 6.60 8.12 half-field angle 33.52 13.58 3.47 image height 12.32 13.66 13.66 total lens length 126.19 157.98 189.78 BF 16.74 16.74 16.74 Canon 18-225mm F4-8.0mm focus distance 18.77 54.34 224.98 F number 4.12 6.60 8.12 Half angle (degree) 33.28 14.11 3.47 Image height 12.32 13.66 13.66 Lens total length 125.34 159.37 193.39 BF 15.91 38.92 49.49 As with all patent applications, these are a work in progress and may never be approved for production. Are these the smoking gun for the RF APS-C camera? Probably not. Embodiments are rarely proof, they are simply illustrations. It does show that Canon is looking at fast APS-C auto focus super zooms though. Japan Patent Application 2021-021774 Previous Article Canon Patent Application: Collection of RF Primes Next Article Laowa releases the 11mm f/4.5 for Canon RF Print 4884 Tags: APS-CCanon Patent Application Related articles Patent Application for Canon RF 16-28mm F2.8, 16-28mm F2.8-4 and 16-28mm F4 designs The RF-S, EF-S and EOS-M Quandry Canon Patent Application: High Magnification Super Telephoto Zooms Canon Patent Application: Curious Catadioptric Optical System Canon Patent Application: Drone Camera Assembly Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by Disqus