Mirrorless Zoom patent application
We found a mirrorless zoom lens patent released a bit ago, that slipped through the cracks. It is the patent application for the 18-150mm, however the other embodiments may be of interest to some.
This is a good indication that Canon does not, will not wait for final approval on a patent before releasing a lens into the public.
Keep in mind, that if Canon is reasonably sure the patent will process, they can release it with patent pending. Life just gets hard if the patent application is refused.
Canon also may have added to the application which may have delayed it's release.
it has some intriguing zoom ranges for a small portable zoom, it's difficul to see how this would fit in beside the 18-150mm lens though.
- 18-150mm 3.5 - 6.3
- 16-130mm 3.5 - 6.3
- 18-130mm 3.5 - 6.3
- 15-130mm 3.5 - 6.3
- 18-100mm 3.5-6.3
Looking at the list, I would have almost rather had the 15-130mm to be honest, that little extra wide angle would have been useful.
USPTO US 2018/0039051
Edit: After further review, this is the 18-150mm patent application. It's interesting to see it so far after release.

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